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Synopsis: Alexander - Director's Cut

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

In a time of tribal fighting, in a time when no western civilisation had ever managed a conquest of the east. Many had tried and many had failed.

This tale is told through the eyes of Ptolemy, who educates his pupils on the legend that is Alexander the Great. We follow Alexander through his youth, his education, his conflict with his parents and his dream to bring civilisation to the East and the edge of the known world.

Crowned the King of Macedon, at the age of 20, Alexander conquers Asia Minor, Egypt, Persia and parts of Ancient India. See the events and relationships that shape the man who will historically be considered one of the greatest Empirical rulers.

Released: 2004

Starring: Colin Farrell, Anthony Hopkins, Rosario Dawson, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Jared Leto

Director: Oliver Stone

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