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The Beginning:

The first collection was inherited from my family. It was always music.


My father had hundreds of vinyl which became an addition of hundreds of cd's, so it was only natural both myself and my brother would become collectors in the same way. For both of us it was music and cd's, we amassed a large collection each, but my obsession changed.


The first film I ever remember watching was the Terry Marcel classic Hawk the Slayer. If you were to watch this movie, you would more than likely find it is one of the worst films you have ever seen. I have the bias of memory through rose tinted (childhood) glasses. I find there are a number of films that I know are terrible but its not just the movie itself, its the hidden factors, its who you were with, where you were and at what stage of your life you are. All these factors have such a huge impact it can define the impact each film has on you. For me there is something magical about being transported into someone else's imagination, someone else's story, someone else's creation. What has always fascinated me is all the different aspects that go into making a true masterpiece of film.


Now I have to apologise to Terry Marcel, maybe my earlier comment was very unfair, I haven't watched Hawk the Slayer in so many years. This is another reason why I am so excited to take this journey. I am excited to see if I still have the same joy and excitement for the films that shaped my love of this art form. My hope is that all of you enjoy taking that journey with me, seeing how film can shape and mould our development and I hope that my reviews will trigger memories for you or inspire you to watch these films.


So soon the A-Z journey will begin. One DVD at a time, one review at a time. There will be posts and updates to follow before this journey begins and please feel free to comment.

So watch this space and enjoy....


Farquaad Templeton-Smythe


 © 2019 @moviereviewbyfarquaad presents: A-Z Movie Review

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